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Appointment Policies


Appointments must be canceled 24 hours in advance or your card will be charged the full price of the session unless the appointment slot can be filled. Emergency cancellations are determined at the practitioner’s discretion. If the client no-shows or last-minute cancels for an appointment that is unable to be filled they will be required to prepay for their next session. As always please reschedule your appointment if you are sick, keep the health of your therapist and others in mind.


If a client is late for an appointment, the session will end at the originally intended time to prevent other client’s appointments from running behind.


Gift cards are non-refundable and expire 1 year from the date issued. 


Minors must always be accompanied by an adult. Minors are unable to sign their own health history or informed consent forms and must have a parent/guardian available to do so.




Cell phones must be turned off prior to appointments to allow for full relaxation during the massage.


Clients must come showered/exfoliated and must make sure to not wear any heavy cologne/lotion as a courtesy to other clients’ sensitivities to lingering scents.


I reserve the right to refrain from working on those persons who appear to be under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or other substances.


I reserve the right to refuse potential clients for any reason.


No smoking is allowed on the property.


Professionalism/Sexual Harassment


My profession has a code of ethical behavior to which I abide. This code of ethics states that I will always respect personal boundaries, I only perform work that I am qualified (professionally, physically, and emotionally) and able to do, and that I will not engage in any form of social relationships with my clients.


I have the best interest of my clients in mind always, and I will refer clients to an appropriate specialist when the work is not within my scope of practice.


Any sexual harassment by clients will not be tolerated. This will result in immediate termination of the session and the credit card on file will be charged in full. This massage is for therapeutic purposes only.



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What to expect?

As a first-time client, you can expect to begin the appointment by filling out a health history
form, signing an Informed Consent Form, and receiving a copy of our Privacy Policy electronically. If you are
unable to fill the history form out prior to the massage, I will provide a paper copy at your appointment.

Do I have to disrobe entirely for a massage?

We ask that you disrobe to a level at which you are
comfortable. Please remember that our therapists are extremely professional and will use towels or sheets to
maintain privacy for our clients at all times. Some people prefer to leave their undergarments on while others
do not. For women, it is easiest to work on the back without a bra on, but the therapist will adjust the massage
to adapt to your level of comfort.

What if I have a medical condition or allergies?

Prior to your appointment, you will be sent a health history
form to fill out. Please fill this out as accurately as possible, so that we can best address your specific health
issues. If you are pregnant, have a heart condition, or high blood pressure, services that involve the application of heat
are not advised. Please consult your provider first if you have any concerns about receiving treatment.

When should I arrive?

We recommend arriving at least 10 minutes prior to your scheduled service. This
allows time to go through your health history form, discuss any questions or concerns, and time to get on and
off the table.

What is the gratuity policy?

Our services do not include gratuities, however, 15-20% is typical for massage
services. We strive to provide the highest level of services attainable and appreciate gratuities given to the staff
at your discretion.

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How should I prepare for my massage?

In order to prepare your skin for a massage, it is important
to shower/exfoliate prior to the massage. This allows the skin to be clean to receive the full benefits of
the massage.
Make sure to not wear any strong lotions, perfumes, or cologne for a massage session. Other clients
may be sensitive to smells/lingering odors.
Please drink plenty of water before and after the massage to allow for good hydration, and to help
flush toxins.

Will I be covered during the massage?

During the session clients are covered and draped with
sheets and towels, only uncovering the parts of the body that are being worked on. Clients may
undress to their level of comfort and may leave on undergarments if they wish.

Can infants, children, and teens benefit from massage?

Absolutely! Infants can experience improved digestion,
improved sleeping habits, and reduction of acid reflux. Children have shown similar benefits, as well as an
overall increase in stress-induced outburst. Teens (especially those active in sports) have shown increased
performance in sports with regular massage.

What if I arrive late to my appointment?

If a client is late for an appointment, the session will end at the
originally intended time to prevent other client’s appointments from running behind.

What should I do after my massage?

HYDRATE! It is important after a massage to continue to drink plenty
of water to aid the body in maintaining homeostasis (balance) while facilitating healing.

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What should I wear?

Whatever is comfortable for you! You will be given disrobing instructions prior to the
massage and shouldn’t have to worry about being oily after the treatment. We use crème/lotion NOT oil to
prevent you from feeling greasy or staining your street clothes after the massage.

Do I have to talk during the massage?

Clients are encouraged to relax during the sessions and to
inform the therapist if anything makes them uncomfortable. You may talk during the session if you
feel something needs to be changed during the massage, but we often ask you to speak with us
before or after the session to allow the therapist to focus on you during your massage.

Can I cancel my appointment?

Appointments must be canceled 24 hours in advance or your card will be
charged the full price of the session unless the appointment slot can be filled. This includes no call no show.

What forms of payment do you accept?

We accept cash, check, or Flex Spending Accounts (FSA). Credit cards are used to "hold" appointment times, and will only be charged in cases of clients not showing or calling for their appointment (see appointment policy). A $50.00 service charge
will be added for all returned checks.

What should I expect after my massage?

After a massage you may feel fatigue, muscle soreness,
lingering pain, nauseous (due to the release of toxins in your body), or inflammation. In some
occasions bruising may occur, migraines and headaches, or redness and heat in the muscles. This
happens only on rare occasions and is not a cause for alarm. However, if you have any concerns
please do not hesitate to contact your provider immediately.

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